BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2012 SP1 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About the advanced features > Understanding GCF and workflows > Cross-site workflow implementation

Cross-site workflow implementation

The Global Collaboration Framework supports cross-site workflow such that the next to-do person in a workflow can be located at a remote site. The feature will initiate an ownership transfer of the document to the home site of the to-do person or to the site where the work is to be performed. After import in the destination vault, the document will be put on the to-do list of the selected user.

Cross-site workflow has the following limitations:

The implementation must define a function that on every workflow transition determines the destination site for a specified list of to-do persons or a specified workflow state and transition. Determining the destination site can be implemented to suit your organization's environment.

For example, a Meridian Enterprise table can be used to store the names of all users that can participate in a workflow and the corresponding GCF share names of the vault where the user normally works. When the to-do person changes, the site of the new to-do person can be retrieved from this table and if the site is not the current GCF vault, a GCF transfer can be initiated to replicate the document and assign the selected to-do person. This implementation is shown in the following example:

Function InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow(Person, wfType, wfDetails)
    InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow = ""
    If Not IsArray(Person) Then
        ' Add your code for single todo person
        rv = vault.Table("Users").GetValues("UserName",Person,"Site")
        If IsArray(rv) Then
            InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow = rv(0,0)
        End If
        ' Add your code for multiple todo persons
    End If 
End Function

Another possible scenario is when document approval in a workflow should be done at a different site. When a document gets promoted to the approval state, ownership should be transferred to the other site. This implementation is shown in the following example:

Function InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow(Person, wfType, wfDetails)
    InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow = ""
    If wfType = 1 Then
        If wfDetails = "ApprovalCheck" Then 
            InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow = "Engineering_Site"
        End If
    End If
End Function

Related concepts

Understanding GCF and workflows

Understanding document ownership

Understanding ownership transfers

Understanding claim ownership transfers

Related tasks

Calculating import notification messages

Transferring ownership upon release

Related information

GCF privileges

GCFInitiateTransfer function

InitiateTransfer function

RequestOwner function

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